Become serious

Seriousness is contagious. When one becomes serious about one aspect of their life, they often become serious about others too. It may not happen right away, but gradually and ultimately one becomes a serious human being.

What does it mean to be a "Beast"

One who is muscular, strong, fast, agile and overall really adept at what they do is often colloquially referred to as a "beast". But what does it really mean to be a beast? Is it just one's size, strength or attitude? Or something much more?

Chinese lifters: How they do what they do

Some famous person once said "In weightlifting in order to win first place, 90% of the time you must beat the chinese and it is damn hard to do so".


An integrated body needs no teaching, isolated cueing, technique or tenets. One which is not, will need them. But never as instruction FOR the movement. They must be realized/ understood THROUGH the movement.

West and its obsession with exhaustion

We often default to associating linear relationship between effort and result. While it is effective in some aspects, it causes anti-progress in others. The mentality of striving for every kilo/lb/second can lead one astray from real progress and change.

Mobility and activation drills

To strengthen a dormant or a weak muscle one is faced with two choices. Either to "activate" it. Or to learn why it is inactive in the first place. The first choice is a path of ignorance, hassle and mediocre results. The second, is one away from those.

How to Squat

We are all born with a natural gift of being able to move. Whether it is squatting down, pulling up or pushing away. Learning "how to move" then, is a misnomer. Any such "teaching" will create more problems than it will solve, if any.

Bracing Part 10: Breathing and body awareness

The breath is more than just inhalation and exhalation. It is a life force. It is a tool to SEE. A tool to be more aware. And awareness changes everything. Proper breathing and awareness are absolute necessity for effortlessness to surface. Without effort.

Bracing Part 9: Perceive, Control, Integrate

Perceiving our weaknesses must happen in order to attain true strength. Any therapy that bypasses this is but a temporary fix. A fix that hides the truth. The truth that is the key to our next level.

Bracing Part 8: Understanding Core

The core is more than just the abs, low-back and the superficial. It is the very thing that makes us, us. And the source of the truest strength. When not recognized or are forgotten, we settle for a subpar and injury prone motor control.
