Bracing Part 7: When strength is a barrier

To command the unit we must become it. The path towards which is paved with understanding and control. However, true control can only be regained if we surrender our strengths and become aware of our weaknesses. For our strengths are the very thing standing between us and that which will make us stronger.

Limitations, are they the cause or the result?

Limitations are why most cannot progress satisfactorily, constantly rely on isolated cues, need plethora of therapy to even contnue training and treat athleticism as a phase instead of a lifestyle. Ever pause to ponder if they could just be the result of something much deeper?

Bracing Part 6: Understanding the "what"

Understanding one's limitation(s) is their beeline towards integration. More often than not, the core of that understanding begins at their core. However one cannot stop at the surface, but dig deep, until the spine of the problem is revealed.

Bracing Part 5: Integrated

When one is integrated, there is no need to remember to brace. For bracing is the side effect. When one is integrated, there is no need to "remember" anything, for remembering will imply thinking. The antithesis of free and effotless movement.

Bracing Part 4: Isolation is Okay, Integration is Key

The human body does not function as a group of multiple components working as a team. It is rather (and operates as) a single unit that is composed of multiple components. Why command the components separately when you ARE the unit?

Bracing Part 3: A taste of history: TA Isolation vs Bracing

Modern world has harnessed us with the tools to observe, question, experiment and learn. Yet we have an almost innate tendency to keep our head down, follow old "rules" and never challenge the status quo. It matters not who we learn these rules from, but how long we continue to obey these rules.

Bracing Part 2: When asking isn't enough

When lifting is more than just a hobby, moving well becomes utmost important. For the poundages add up quicker than you think. It is thus important to not only ask (and blindly follow) but also to search and look up at the legends of the game.

Bracing Part 1: What you don't know

Bracing should be an automatic, almost instanteneous reaction of your body anytime you are about to engage in an activity or get in a position that threatens your postural integrity. If you are having to think (or worse, remind) yourself into bracing, you are doing it wrong.

More important than mobility: Proprioception

Being proprioceptively sound and body aware would imply that there is no difference between (a) How one is moving and (b) how they think they're moving. Conversely, an existence of such a difference between the two would mean the athlete in question can't really be classified as a perfect athlete.

It's not how much you lift but how you move

If you move well, you will more than likely lift well. If you load better positions in the gym, it will reflect in your day to day. If you compromise your posture and movement on a daily basis, you're better off not lifting heavy.
