You don't need physiotherapy, you need understanding.
Human intellect has been instrumental in getting us here. We have more than necessary tools and techniques to dissect the body (literally) and "learn" our internal makeup.
We have intellectualized anything and everything. Be it which muscle does what (agonist/antagonist). Which energy systems work when. What training "program" to follow when. Rep schemes. Set schemes. Diet schemes. Supplementation schedules. Mobility programs.
The list is endless ...
We have the latest and greatest technology to "learn" movement patterns and debate about the "best technique".
Whole movement patterns are broken down into ten-part segments (As if we are an instrument-guide following robot).
And when individually we were not enough, we resorted to group work and external help. It has apparently allowed one to "focus" at the task at hand. (And not have to "worry" about their bodies.)
But alas, all these can only go so far.
Because there are more injuries than ever.
More physiotherapists and kinesiologists hanging around professional players.
Heck, some even have a "physio team" and "mental coaches".
Mental coach. Seriously?
The mantra of "more is better" has gotten the better of most. It has made them forget who they really are.
It has made them too complacent and greedy at the same time.
And tell you what, that combination is destined for ultimate failure.
You see, complacency allows them to be okay with where they are personally (internally). And greed makes them turn to external sources whenever "something isn't right" (pain/injury) or they want more.
When such an individual is in pain. They are "prescribed" one or more of mobility/activation drills, rest or worst, medication. Almost never is the root cause found.
How can an external being truly understand the heart of the matter of what may be wrong with another?
It does not matter how well they have the human body intellectualized in their head.
It does not matter how many "similar cases" they have "treated" before!
Understand this ...
Unless we come up with a way to wholly communicate feeling, no physiotherapist on this planet will be able to make your problems vanish in thin air.
Duality is ubiquitous. It is in nature of everything and everyone to be one or the other.
Those who appear to be "somewhere in the middle" are just pretending or hiding (or in the process of learning) that inherent extreme which they really are.
Likewise, there are two kinds of people when it comes to seeking help with injury cure/ prevention or body maintenance.
There are those that just want to get fixed. And there are those that want to learn and understand.
I will say it candidly ...
The posts on this website are only for people who have realized that learning and understanding the truths about their bodies is the ultimate physiotherapy that they can undergo.
And that in the end ...
One is the best "physiotherapist" for himself.
It is fine if you chose to go to a Physiotherapist. But go with the knowledge that most therapists will look at you like someone or something that needs fixing.
And as such, they will fail to see you for who you really are.
They will fail to see your passion.
Your ambition.
Your drive for results.
Your desire to know your sport.
Your desire to be a master of your sport.
There are, however, very few and far between that genuinely want you to learn.
Going to these people is far from getting a fix.
Going to these people and learning from them is like standing on the shoulder of giants that instantly widen your ability to look at the bigger picture.
It is these teachers that you would want to find. For they will welcome your intent of learning and embrace the opportunity with open arms.
It is from these learners who you would want to learn a thing or two from.
The world today does not need Physiotherapists, Osteotherapists, Massage Therapists or Kinesiologists.
In fact, it does not need any more "ist"s. It does not need any more roles.
These are things of the past. When information was scarce. When knowledge had no fast and easy medium to spread itself.
The world needs learners.
The world needs masters.
The world needs visionaries.
It needs people like you who realize that learning and understanding beats anything and everything.