Imagine either Lu or Ilyin or Dimas about to do a session of squats. They just had their pre-training massage, did their warm-ups, are feeling reasonably loose and warm in their joints.
That perfect feeling of being ready to move some heavy weights.
They get under the bar with a red per side.
They unrack the bar, walk it out and squat.
In just over a few minutes, they are at 3 reds per side.
Just as they are about to descend, they realize ...
"Ohh I have not been keeping my chest up properly, let me fix that in this set"
If you have been practicing Weightlifting and seeing these guys move long enough, you know the likelihood of something like that being true is the same as any them missing a 60-kilo snatch.
It just does not happen!
But, why does it not happen?
Is it because they rehearse the "cues" or "techniques" before entering the gym?
Or that they have been "practicing" their "technique" long enough that it is muscle memory by now?
Or is it that their focus is laser sharp as lifting is their livelihood?
No sir, something like that just doesn't happen because ...
They know how to squat. That is, to them, the movement of squatting is a knowing.
How does this differ from your "knowing" of the Squat?
I am afraid, but chances that you know how to squat are very, very low.
When one truly knows how to squat and they feel ...
the bar on their trapezius,
the load on their torso,
their abs and back tightening "in response",
the stretch on their outer pecs,
their arches turned on inside their shoes,
the blood rushing through their entire legs
...the job is done!
what follows next, is not an "attempt to squat".
What follows next, is surrender and letting the "weight do the talking" ...
What follows next, is the body responding harmoniously ...
And that results in a perfect bottom position.
A bottom position where a near ideal joint alignment is achieved.
Of course, the getting up part still needs being accomplished.
Of course, the getting up will be harder as the weight goes from 70 kg to 280 kg.
But understand this ...
It will be done before it is done
If it is not, it will probably be a world record weight or a personal record anyhow!
Because these guys know how to squat. They are integrated when it comes to a movement like that.
When squatting becomes a knowing, and one gets pinned like Ilyin does in this video ...
A crazy recovery like that suddenly becomes possible.
I will say this to you ...
Something within you also knows how to squat.
You do not need to "shove your knees out" or "Stretch your hamstrings back" or "drive your hips up" !
You need not shackle yourself to any such cues.
You absolutely do not need to google search "How to squat"
Something within you already knows how to!
What is left then is to listen to it and allow the knowing to surface.