You are Weak and Weak you will remain

Strength eludes you because you are blindly chasing it, instead of creating the necessary circumstances for it to find you.

Lifting is natural, but only if one can lift naturally

One may debate that movements like Snatch or Clean and Jerk are not 'natural'. Whether true or not, it does not give one the license to never attempt to perform these movements in the most natural way possible.

Three secrets for the budding Legend

Weightlifting legends are born, not bred. They walk a path of their own, unique in a way that they themselves are. Here are three secrets for that rare of a breed, for the ones whose names will eventually appear on the halls of fame.

The perils of a program

That which promises you a bright future without first asking of you, something much more than just "looks good" is a fake promise at best and a source of a plethora of future worries, at worst.

The Way

There is no right or wrong way to perform a movement. However, there does exist a unique way ("The Way"). When one moves in this way, the movement is most elegant and the effort required is minimal.

What do you see?

As long as you are "seeing" while performing, you will be caught in a world of fear, anxiety, doubt, and frustration. Once you learn how to SEE, you won't care about what you "see" or hear.

You are not Snatching

99.9% of weightlifters do not Snatch. They try to get a loaded barbell from the ground to above their head while applying cues, hoping for a make and anticipating a miss.

The talent killer: Coaching, Clubs and Programs

The very weightlifting culture prevalent in North America is the killer of all talent.

Chinese vs Conventional Part 4: Back and Abs

There are countless "exercises" as well as specialized machines to target specific areas of the back or the abdominals. But one look at the bests from the West and it seems, they somehow, did not get the memo.

Chinese vs Conventional Part 3: Musculature

By looking at one's musculature, you can tell a lot about the way they train. And I do not imply their training plan or their "program". Ever wonder, what gets one a "Chinese back"?
