You can be Lü

Posted by Suman on Sep 06, 2020

I vividly remember the thumbnail of a Youtube video

that keeps getting recommended to me.

The thumbnail text, which is also the title of the video says -


The video is about why the average Weightlifter ought not to

attempt to lift like the legend of present times - Lü Xiaojun.

The video finishes with a "moral" that sounds decent on paper -

"Try to be a good optimal lifter before a trendy aesthetic lifter"

To back their recommendation, the content creator reasons that

a legend like Lu is the result of years and decades of work that is put in

often from a very young age.

To that end, the viewer is recommended coaches, mesocycles,

and other famous prescriptions from the mainstream weightlifting scene

instead of blindly hitting their head against the wall trying to move

or be as "aesthetic" as Lu.

What follows next are three things...

1. My response to such hogwash.

2. Why the content creator is saying what he is saying.

3. The reason why content like the video above will keep distracting

the legend at heart from actualizing the Legend in him.


Dear Zack, what you say will "make sense" to most.

And therein lies the problem and also the completely normal reality of the mainstream.

An average-at-the-core, mediocre athlete has no other option

but only to settle for a "good optimal lifter".

And to such "athletes", your video will be the end to all their pains

and worries in their inability to exhibit the pristineness which is Lu.

These people, deep down, do not even Want to move or look like Lu!

They are okay with "their life" which is only using Weightlifting

as a wishing well for, as you say, "aesthetics" and perhaps,

the other "goods" that entices them towards the chase for "aesthetics".

Their life "their life" is about such chases.

Why will they want anything else superior to "good optimal lifter"?

Because in doing so,

they also get to pay your bills and put food on your plate,

and keep you from venturing past being a "good optimal lifter" yourself.

What better of a deal than both party providing for each other in staying exactly where they are -

a blatant display of what a true Athlete is not.


Now on to the Truth why such distractions will continue to be lauded by the mainstream.

And consequently, this part is only directed at the rare few, who are not content

with being a "good optimal lifter".

Dear sincere human,

You can be Lu.

In fact, as of this very moment, a "Lu" hides deep inside you.

But to let that hidden legendhood surface and be visible to the world,

you cannot let your Mind get distracted.

Yes, you know exactly what I am talking about.

Mainstream and such "tutorials" of the mainstream as above are worse than poison.

Distractions like these are not for you.

They are made by and made for disingenuous humans who do not want

anything truly worthwhile in life.

They do not want to be Lu!

Why will they not watch "You are not Lu" over and over again

as a consolation that it is okay to be average?

You, on the other hand, are destined for Greatness.

So you have no other option but to steer clear from such garbage.

Let this post be all the Reason to clearly see the ulterior motives behind

such distractions -

to squeeze out the chump change from the many, many unserious athletes out there.

Yes, dear friend.

If you are serious about Weightlifting,

the world of information has nothing to offer you.

The answers lie deep inside you, and it is inwards that you must journey.

Thank you.