Words on competition

Posted by Suman on Oct 09, 2020

If the Mind is around, there is competition.

If the Mind is not around, there is no competition.

If one's Mind is around...

There is "stage fear".

There is "I think I weigh too low"

There are "others" who are competing.

There is an anticipation for what is coming.

If none of the above,

then their polar opposites are around...

There is excitement.

There is (over)confidence of

"I got this"

or "I will crush it today".

or "I feel great after post-weigh-in refeed".

There is forced visualization of the lifts.

There is rehearsing of cues and techniques.

Dear athlete,

the world of conventional approaches to training and competition

is a dead-end.

This dead-end has one side of the crowd vacillating between imaginary highs and lows,

and the other, touting their many vacillation speeds or acceleration.

Independent of which side they are on,

an individual from such a crowd,

is like a creature castrated of its most intelligent organ.

Or one "evolved" backwards to the point of being the first of its kind.

Staying comfortable in this dead-end,

and then seeking avenues of improvement that promise things

beyond it,

is perhaps the lowest humans have descended in their ascend

since they learned how to make fire.

The way out of this deadend is a totally different approach to

train, compete and live.


If you think that by writing these words,

I am enchanting you with some "ideal" or something

not realizable in real life,

you are mistaken.

If you think that by showing you clearly

that a far superior, really real way exists to not just train and compete,

but live,

and that I am selling you the idea of "you can do it too",

you are very mistaken.

If you think that dragging this on by another "If you think...",

I am delaying some prize and thus heightening your anticipation,

you are most mistaken.

I am tired of that game.

Just as I am tired of unserious athletes applying to my guidance.

I am tired.

Having consumed

articles, tutorials, competition preparation guides, manuals for years,

I have been exposed to the many tricks that the Mind prefers over the real deal.

I am tired of seeing athletes fall for that vapidness over and over again.

Having exposed to its inclinations,

I know what the Mind craves.

Having mastered my "athletic" Mind fully,

I know what you are still craving.

And it is precisely because of that knowledge,

I will state this...

There is no prize or gotcha or secret for you to takeaway

to "help" you with your upcoming competition.

I do not care if it is your first or your first attempt at the Olympics.


I will finish with a glimpse of the opposite side of your

competition experiences.

When the Mind is not around...

There is a deep knowledge of what is.

There is a permanent internal victory,

that need not be rehearsed or practiced,

but one that was arrived at years ago.

And all that needs to be done,

is to step out of the way,

and let that arrival unleash its magical abilities.

So that the lifter's Mind can shut up.

So that there is no Mind,

and only Action.

Thank you.