I have your attention, do I not?
But I must reveal...the title is just to get you to click the link.
Because even the Chinese do not know the "Chinese secret",
except maybe one, and even he knows not all of it.
But I will get to the "who he is" or "what he knows" later.
I will first demystify the fascination with the "Chinese way" or that around "Chinese technique",
that is,
with much more authority than my less enlightened self did in the past.
Like with every other industry or domain on this planet at this very moment,
the world of weightlifting is running out of ways, how-to's, programs, methodologies and "secrets".
It is coming face to face with the Truth.
What Truth?
That there is no secret!
That there is NO magical "how-to" or "how-not-to" which will get you all that you want -
be it a Lu Xiaojun like physique, his otherworldly "technique" or his God-like "recovery abilities".
But as the last attempt,
as a very last cry for help,
and as an "Oh c'mon this has to be it" childish frustration,
everyone is now looking up to the eastern side of the world.
And given the outright domination by the nation of China,
that implies the west is now looking AT the Chinese for help with their misery in the sport.
And though, as of until 3-5 years ago,
the Chinese continued to give them a straight face,
just posting more magical Lu-X stuff online,
in recent times, they have finally responded!
How else?
By responding with "hows"!
By forgetting their true culture (intentionally or unintentionally - that I do not know),
putting on their "western suits",
and dipping into the irresistible world of "how-to's", "3 ways of", "5 ways to" and other silliness.
But the full-of-their-mind western folks could not care less,
for the "how" is what they want. The "how" is what they think will get them the goods.
And so these illusioned (or really clever?) Chinese clubs are opening-up
"online programs" and "online coaching",
even more week and month-long seminars,
and what have you.
Through which, the "teach-me-the-chinese-way-please" enthusiasts from all over the West,
having found their "last resort",
are giving away their dollars, pounds, and euros,
to go "experience the Chinese thing" and "learn" the "Chinese secret".
To all of which,
allow me to retort...
Is even a single one of them moving like Lu Xiaojun?
Do they come back with anything other than...
"They train twice a day"
"They pull heavy every day or every other day"
"They really really focus on having pristine technique"
and other such jargon about their daily routine,
and other "what they do" and "How they do"?
Do they come back being able to move,
like the faintest shadow of a well-versed 12-year-old Chinese kid,
let alone that of professionals?
Do they come back having the ability to utter even a single consonant
of the REAL secret behind "What makes them do what they do?"?
(That which canNOT be seen, but only be understood.)
I will ask again...
Why do they not?
Think it over, friend. Do not just scroll down,
because then it will just go over your head.
Think, think!
Why having spent their hard-earned money,
going through the many jet-lags,
the language barrier and other hassles,
... they still come back empty-handed?
they miss a simple, simple observation about themselves.
in getting lost amidst the "what they do", "how they do",
"how can I do", "what should I do" ...
... they stay lost in this madness alone!
They do not even wonder or venture past the "hows" and the "methods"!
And as they are fed the promise of "one day" moving like the Gods,
other than feeling good about that (fake) promise,
they do nothing to actualize that promise!
They are just content with the self-narrated illusion of ...
"Hey, I am learning the Chinese secret".
"So one day, I will move like Lu!"
Oh poor poor soul, no, you will not!
Because there is no "Chinese secret" to be taught!
The REAL secret must be understood and realized.
Because those who are "teaching" you, themselves do not know or ever understood.
If even a single one of them did, they would not be "teaching" you.
They are as lost as you, but lost in the promise of your money.
And no, it is not their "lack of expertise".
Because even if you went to the top weightlifting coach,
no matter who or how many they have coached,
he will not be able to make you move like Lu-Xiaojun.
Do you understand?
You clearly do not, so I will say it again.
What is keeping you from moving like the Chinese weightlifters,
is not the fact that you have not been to that "one seminar",
or read enough "how-tos" or "3 secrets of Chinese training" articles!
What is it then?
It is your deep-rooted belief,
that it is only through inundating yourself with these -
flashy gimmicks of "seminars", "how-to's" and "10 ways of that" -
can you learn to lift like the Chinese lifters!
Did it go through your head this time?
Nope, I can bet my life savings, it did not.
You know what, perhaps it never will.
But hang on,
and now that I think,
perhaps if I give you the reason why my dead simple message,
is not at all compatible with you and your "system",
maybe, just maybe it will go through...
Okay here goes for nothing...
You will continue to run behind any and all
"Chinese WL program" or "Chinese seminar" carrot dangled in your face,
because ...
You are conditioned to believe so.
And for most of you, the conditioning is irreversible.
Because you live in a society that deeply values "Asking how".
Because you live in a society that but cares about "external assistance".
Because you live in a society that overstands "learning from each other."
most, most, most important of all,
perhaps the only line worth reading if you care even the minutest,
to bring actual change in yourself -
Because you live in a society that has NO interest in The Truth.
And while we are on it,
I will give you another Truth...
If you continue to defend, partake, protect or worship this societal conditioning,
you will continue to fortify it, making it even more irreversible,
making yourself more and more Truth repelling,
and a "how-to" addict.
And before you know it,
you will be somewhere upwards of 35 or 40-years-old, or heck even 50 or 60-years-old,
and still,
google searching...
"How to lift like Lu Xiaojun"