The body knows

Posted by Suman on Mar 19, 2020

The human Mind has many tricks under the hat,

which it has accumulated over the millennia,

to make the human "believe" something too easily.

How it does that is of no concern to this post.

The thing to note is that,

humans will play into such tricks time and again,

and will be too fast to believe something.

And the belief will determine their decisions and actions,

guiding their life in a specific direction.

Sometimes, a part of them will question that belief,

maybe during the times when they hit a roadblock

or during those of suffering,

but something deeper in them will pull them back into continuing to believe.

("Life is not supposed to always be a merry ride")

And then there are certain beliefs,

that are so deep-rooted,

and held together by countless years of them having held their grounds,

irrespective of the pain and mediocrity caused by it,

that they will never be questioned,

or be hinged upon by people to want to try something different,

let alone change course forever.


And so,

when it comes to sports, movement,

or anything that needs to be executed physically,

one such belief is that...

The body is a dumb or "dead" entity,

and needs to be taught to move,

or behave a certain way.

No matter the sport, movement or practice,

it is this simple, dumb, and yet powerful of a notion,

which is at the deepest root of all the madness around

how-to's, prescriptions, technique, "10 steps to",

"5 steps to", etc. etc.


Is it not astounding to consider ...

If some enlightened person,

saw the Truth before the first "how-to" or technique was born,

there would not be so much


"always keep your core tight",

"remember to keep your chin up",

"I am following the X/Y/Z technique",

"have you heard of the A/B/C method?",

"you must grab the floor with your entire foot",

"don't forget to rotate your shoulders internally",

and other silliness, childishness, and immaturity,

and thus, noise, distraction, and escaping,

and thus, injuries, failures, and dropping-outs,

and thus, mediocrity and lack of excellence around sports and practices today!


I will cut you short on the "Aha moment" that you are going through,

for time is running out for both of us,

and re-iterate my point.

Every single deterioration,

in any and all sport, practice and domain,

follows a chain of events (exactly like the one I exemplified above).

And though the end of this chain is always mediocrity and average results,

every single "link" of this chain,

gives birth to the need for fixing or "dealing" with itself.

Which then gives birth to even more chains of events,

and which then gives birth to even more boat-load similars.

Do you see how it all unfolds?

And once again,

in case your mind lost track of it all,

all of this noise and distraction is because,

time and again the Truth is not known,

and if by some happenstance it is brought to limelight,

(like these very words that you are reading),

it is ignored, forgotten,

or taken note off and then forgotten!


But there is more.

And in case you still quite have not "got it",

or are going...

"What Truth is he talking about?"

I will continue with my point, all the way to the end.

But I will guide you to it...

With all the text above,

I, at least hope that the Truth...

"The belief that the body needs to be taught,

resulted, through the "chain of events",

into all the noise and mediocrity." clear to you.

But what is the deeper Truth that hides behind this ^^ one?

Or put another way,

what Truth was not seen or experienced,

that gave birth to the belief? (of the body needing to be taught)?


The realization that is the opposite of the belief!

The Truth that ...

the body needs NOT be taught!

This is the simple and yet,

very, very, very powerful Truth,

that I implied when I used "the Truth" on the first two occasions in this post.

You see,

because no one in the mainstream,

of any sport or practice,

did the due diligence of,

viscerally seeing the verity of the body learning on its own,

and of it knowing a lot more things,

than the otherwise petty teachings or cues could even think of,

let alone teach it,

the (opposite) belief was born.


And I will tell you something else.

That no one will do the due diligence either.

No one, until they themselves,

due to whatever circumstances,

feel a strong and almost irresistible urge,

to walk away from the noise and distraction,

and want to viscerally learn...

...the Truth that...

... the body knows.