Real Muscles

Posted by Suman on Feb 15, 2021

Fake muscles are baggage.

Real muscles are allies.

Fake muscles grow in clumps. In slabs.

They are spotty and distributed.

They are discontinuous.

Real muscles are continuous.

They grow in thin layers that wrap around the body.

Fake muscles are obnoxiously tight.

Real muscles are stretchy, supple.

Fake muscles restrict.

Real muscles allow.

Fake muscles grow

"on the outside".

Real muscles appear


Fake muscles appear "immediately".

They are the greedy accumulation (of the Mind).

Real muscles appear slowly, over years and decades.

They are a blessing (of Nature).

Fake muscles are not perceivable at rest.

One only feels tightness and discomfort because of

their inherent restriction and discontinuity.

They only "appear" when one forces

blood into them by... "exercising".

(All exercises are an exercise in feeling good.)

Real muscles are felt at rest.

They respond to the breath.

They disappear when training!

They become the act or the movement.

Fake muscles are the result of escaping

what needs to be done.

Real muscles are the result of

devoting to what needs to be done.

When an athlete becomes serious,

his body automatically ceases nourishing the abomination

that are his fake muscles.

A signal is sent deep inside him.

That a cleanse and an overhaul is about to begin.

As the fake muscles disappear,

"he" disappears.

As the real muscles appear,

HE appears.

Thank you.