Grab it with your heart

Posted by Suman on Jul 18, 2021

Have you seen how Lu Xiaojun grabs the bar?

You must have. There are countless of his videos online.

But what you have failed to see or understand

is the depth in his manner.

Contrarily, you may have seen many other lifters do the same.

And although there is a depth in how these lifters do it,

the depth is of a different kind.

The depth, cannot be compared to that of Lu's.

Although you may not know the difference,

at least tell me this,

You can tell the difference, do you not?

There is a fearlessness that comes with knowing.

Knowing not just trivial things.

But Knowing it all.

I do not claim that Lu knows it all.

But he knows more than any other weightlifter of the present times.

It does not stop there.

Because it is a self-feeding loop of sorts.

Fearlessness allows one to know more and more.

Knowing more makes them even more immune to fear.

The result?

Calmness. Nonchalance. Indifference.

No matter the situation.

The manner everyone else grabs the bar

is the same as they approach the bar...

With too much fear or excitement.

With too much ego or self-doubt and anxiety.

With too much hope or anticipation.

The manner Lu Xiaojun grabs the bar

is the same as the manner he approaches the bar,

his training, competitions, and,

I am certain,

his entire life...

Going all in.

With all his heart.

Fully committed and devoted.

Leaving nothing to his Mind.

The result?

The "pains" of fear, doubt, anxiety, hope, or anticipation

do not even touch him.

Because in that moment, there is nothing of him

left to be touched.

There is only his heart,

and the life in it,

flowing through his body,

into the bar.

Thank you.