Dear Ido

Posted by Suman on Jun 12, 2020

Dear Ido.

Your realizations about the human body are rare.

Your approach, unique.

Your abilities, one of a kind.

Your passion for Movement shows clearly in your demeanor,

your facial expressions,

and echoes through the tone of your voice.

You have shown the world what many others have failed to.

And that is ...

Movement for what it is

You have been able to do so,

because you have been able to experience it first hand.

I admire you for your abilities.

I salute you for your desire to share your knowledge.


You almost did it.

But you have not maxed out. Yet.

For movement may "unlock" the Mind and the Body.

But it will not FREE either.

I write to you to let you know what is keeping you

from realizing your ultimate.


First I will tell you how I know.

Then, what I know.

And finally, how you can know.


This is how I know...

If a man of your abilities understood himself,

he would not be doing what you are.

You understood but did not understand.

A man who understands realizes that devotion is the only way.

He spends his days too absorbed in his devotion.

He devotes to the point that the world hears about him in some other way.

And not through the medium of

his website, his teachings, his "teachers", his classes, his seminars, and the like.

But today, the world hears about you through these and these alone.

And not through a medium far superior to these.

This is how I know what you do not.

I will now get on to what I know.

I will share with you after fully acknowledging the emotions

of curiosity and even anger that may have arisen in you by now.

I cannot apologize for those emotions for they are yours and not mine.

I can only continue.

Your medium and your work is a sign that deep down you are unserious.

You are unserious about yourself.

You are unserious about your abilities.

For things such as courses, demonstrations, cues, etc.

are through and for the unserious.

You see, a human can be wildly "successful" and "resourceful" but still unserious.

It does not go the other way.

A serious human has no option but to be much, much more than those words.

For he does not see "success" or "resource".

Those things come to him without them even registering in his consciousness.

Because he is devoted, he only sees his devotion.

He who does not devote does not become (more than what he thinks he will).

He becomes a prey to his own Mind.

His abilities become a wishing well for him.

He is so enchanted by what prizes he can get from them,

he stops to explore...

What he does not know.

What he does not understand.

About both the Mind and his Body.


this is where you are today.

You seemed to have mastered your body.

But you have done so as your Mind.

You have failed to see who you ARE.

Because you have succumbed to who you are NOT.

You are much more than your Mind.

Do not get me in any other way.

You have redefined "What is possible" to the world.

I respect you for who you are TODAY.

But I am in AWE of what you are hiding beneath.

For I want to go beyond definitions and possibilities.

For no such thing as impossible exists, Ido,

no such thing exists.

For once one KNOWS,

he becomes the embodiment of things beyond what those words limit humans at.

He becomes truly unstoppable and limitless.

Thank you.