The Truth about Strength

Posted by Suman on Jan 19, 2020

Any industry or community is never without myths and phantom principles.

For it needs those for the "machine" to keep functioning and keep it from breaking down.


Well, what keeps the machine running?

It is the masses getting pulled into the machine, every single day.

And because they are the masses, they could not care less about the Truth.

All they care about are shiny looking things or something, anything to latch on to,

that continues to show them a promise and thus,

continue to shield them from the Truth.

For they are "masses" precisely because they at their very core CANNOT,

I repeat, CANNOT be close to anything that even remotely hints towards the Truth.


The fitness and/or the health and wellness industry is also plagued by many such myths.

There are so many of them, that one could publish and publish,

and even at the end of their life, there will be more myths to bust.

How so?

Well because the "fitness enthusiasts" do not just feed the machine,

but also cause new myths to surface and spread like a disease.

And so I chose to not mythbust but write about the Truth.

One such myth is the hoopla around this thing called "Core Strength".

It has become such a ubiquitous term that no matter what "sector" of the fitness community,

be it bodybuilding, powerlifting, Olympic weightlifting, Yoga, CrossFit or the like,

they will without fail run into this and other phrases related to this -

"It is ALL about the core"

(No, it is NOT!)

And then comes the human Mind, that takes a myth and bastardizes it even more,

impregnates it with seeds of even more jargon.

Thus born are techniques, devices, exercises, specialists, etc specializing in this thing called "Core Strength",

generating even more hooks to continue to attract the masses.

Although I can keep going, for pages and pages about all the blatant stupidity around this "Core Strength",

I will stop there.

For the one thing I can hope by now perhaps,

is for my readers, however minuscule in number,

to be truth-hungry enough to connect the dots on their own.


Okay, enough digression.

I am here to talk Truth.

Let us talk Truth -

There is NO such thing as "core strength".


And you want to know something else?

Are you ready?

I can see you are not, but here it is anyway ...

There is NO core.

And while I am at it, let us get to the final one ...

There is NO strength.




Now, I will warn you beforehand that what follows is not for EVERYONE.

If you like numbers, we are now talking less than 0.001% of ALL people (perhaps even less),

who may find what is next to be remotely useful.

And thus depending on your sincerity to go deeper into the Truth,

you may be better off settling with what I revealed above,

and if you feel like it,

continuing to read (or not) the rest of what is to follow, some other day.





If you are still reading or chose not to wait,

I will warn again, you will either be greatly disappointed or one of the two things will happen:

1) You will feel the Truth of everything I say in your bones

2) You will change FOREVER

Anyhow, I am wasting words for both of us.

So let us go deeper into the Truth.


There is really no "Core" or "Strength".

These at the end of the day are words without any base or foundation.

These are the words that get tossed around in the community to keep the unseriousness hatching and breed more unseriousness.

Humans are not MOVED by such words.

Humans are MOVED by one and only one thing ...



There is no "core" or "strength".


Please understand that things like "strength" or a "beastly looking core" come later.

They are the mere result, a by-product.

They are the result of having a ravenous, maddening and never satisfying desire.

Desire, not to BE strong or have a strong core!

Desire to know the Truth!

What Truth?

The Truth ...

... About their own body and its hidden and untapped abilities to do extraordinary and legendary things!

Please understand this ...

The DESIRE to do not just great, but impossible or never-done-before things must come first!

It is this desire that gives birth to a pursuit, a path, which when one walks on,

ALLOWS them to ultimately realize certain abilities.

Abilities like being able to squat or pull ~3-4x their bodyweight!

Abilities like snatching or clean-and-jerking world record weights!

It is THIS ability that the world first sees,

then fails miserably to understand,

and starts calling "Strength".

And then failing also, to put a finger on the source of this "strength",

begins to hypothesize ...

... it must be their "core" that is the source.

What a Joke!

(No sir, you grandly misunderstood.)


You must realize,

I am NOT saying that being strong is not important.

I am NOT saying having a strong core is not a necessity.

What I am saying is that those things cannot be chased for no reason!

They will automatically be realized - on their own - once one DESIRES!

And again, not superficially desiring "core", "strength" or "core strength"!

But desiring something ...

... immortal,



something that the world has yet to see or experience.