Imagine the possibilities

Posted by Suman on Jan 19, 2019

Imagine the possibilities ...

When one day, after you wake up, there is no weird pain, sensation or feeling.

As you take the first steps you feel both your legs sharing the load perfectly without you consciously trying.

Even with as "light" as load as your own body, you feel the blood rushing through your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

As you bend down to check if the trash can is full, you feel the spinal erectors stretch down with you on either side.

And as you slowly make your back to vertical, you feel your spine stacking one vertebra at a time.

This is how legends feel when they wake up after a hard training day.

Will you ever get to experience this awakening? I don't know ...

Imagine yourself sitting on a chair.

As you sit there, and time passes by, you finally notice something is different.

It is that you never catch yourself hunching forward.

You know it is not because you have been constantly reminding yourself to sit upright as your physio recommended).

It is as if you cannot hunch forward anymore.

In fact, you force yourself to hunch forward to see if you still can.

And as you do it, it feels like a movement in itself (like raising your hand to your face)

As you do it, you feel your spine buckling one vertebra at a time ...

Perhaps this is how legends feel when they sit.

Will you ever get to experience this while eating, working or reading? I don't know ...

Imagine yourself on the road, walking.

As you take your steps, you land flat with your entire foot.

The moment your foot makes contact, you immediately feel every single muscle in your leg.

As you push off, you can feel the load transferring from your heels (calves, hamstrings, glutes) to your front foot (shin, quads).

When you are walking uphill or downhill, you feel the change in how your body adapts

When you are walking straight but the road is horizontally inclined, you feel how one leg is loaded differently than the other.

This is how legends feel when they walk after a hard training day.

But will you ever get to experience this? I don't know ...

Imagine yourself in the gym doing your thing.

As you set up for the set or the rep,

As you firmly make contact with the bar or the rings or the equipment,

You feel your entire body respond as it primes itself for what's coming,

There is no need for you to think, to remember, to rehearse.

There is no doubt, no confusion, no "making sure", no second-guessing,

As you feel your body click into place, about to unleash itself,

because it knows what is to be done.

This is how legends feel when they train.

Will you ever get to train like this? I don't know ...

Imagine yourself living life.

As you do anything, it appears as if it is being done by itself.

In fact, there is no "doing" anymore...

All "you" are doing is feeling and experiencing.

What once used to be commonplace, becomes an impossibility.

what once used to be a glimpse, becomes permanent.

What once used to be impure, becomes pure.

Perhaps this is how legends live.

Perhaps this is how Gods live.

Will you ever get to live like this? I don't know.

But at least,

Imagine the possibilities ...